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This blog is my diary of works in progress. The only way a writer can improve upon her skill is to practice, practice and practice some more. Here, in this place of quiet peace, I pen to paper my thoughts and creativity. Welcome to my world.

Copyright © 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 SN Taylor, All Rights Reserved

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Web Picture of the week!

This photo of the Milky Way Galaxy has been feeding my muse for the past couple of days since I found it. What I find so amazing about is that it was produced by a amateur photographer, Nick Risinger, who spent an entire year photographing the night sky in various regions. It took him over 37,000 exposures to complete this beautiful masterpiece of our night sky. For someone like me who lives in a city where seeing a star in the night sky is rare, this photo reminds me of my early childhood when I could stare up at the night sky in awe at the sheer beauty and mystery of the universe. Forget counting sheep, I counted stars! ( I miss those days.) Check out Mr. Risinger's website, Photopic Sky Survey. An awesome feature of the website is you can actually zoom in on different areas of the picture (I mean reeeally zoom in) without losing the clarity of the photo. This picture will be feeding my muse for a long time!


Jenna Cooper said...

I'm in an astronomy class right now and so this website for me is even more awesome. Thanks for pointing it out!

Ms Saba (aka Teacher007.5) said...

I am so I happy you find it useful Jenna. I really would love to take an astronomy class. I love learning about out universe. It would have been a path for me had I not become a teacher :D but I still love the subject and occasionally keep up with what's in the news.

Karen Strong said...

Well, you already know how much I love this picture! :)

This is one of the things I loved growing up in rural Georgia. The night sky.

Going to check out the website. Thanks for sharing.

Ms Saba (aka Teacher007.5) said...

Me too Karen! I grew up watching the night sky like it was cable!! :D It was so beautiful because I could literally see thousands of stars on a dark night!! Now, nada one! I really miss it.

Member of the Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators