My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I normally do NOT like serial novels but I was pleasantly surprised with A Million Suns. The story picks up where Across the Universe left off. Eldest is dead, Orion is frozen and the people are off the drug, Phydus. What problems Amy thought she had before is nothing compared to what she, Elder and Godspeed are about to face. Widespread fear, anger, dissent, clashes, rebellion and down right mutiny. Orion has left clues (and warnings) for Amy that will lead to a truth so great that he, and all the eldests before him, was willing to kill for. A truth about Godspeed and the planet Centauri. Add on to all this chaos and mayhem, Godspeed is dying. Literally. The old ship is losing the battle against time and if they don't find a way off the ship, it will take everyone with her. But then there is the warning. Orion placed the burden of a 'choice' on her shoulders. Stay on the dying ship, Godspeed or face the 'monsters' of planet Centauri?
The story is very engaging and kept me turning pages all through the night. The pacing was fast, the action kept going, and there was little to no romance so all focus was on the plot of the story!
The one thing I did not understand was Amy's hatred for Orion.????? Of all the people who hated her, tried to hurt and even kill her, Orion is the one she showed little emotion or hesitation to see killed. There were other inconsistencies but did not draw me too much away from the action and pace of the story.
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I loved the first book, and have been meaning to read this one too.
I haven't read these yet, but they sound intriguing!
I've heard so many good reviews on this series. And how a lot of people really love this series. I haven't read any of the books but they sound really good actually! I'm definitely adding this to my TBR and wish list!! Loved your review and it makes me want to read this even more!! Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this book!!
I still have to read this series, but they have one of the most beautiful covers in YA, and I love pretty covers, so this series is already on my wishlist.
I really need to read this series! I've heard great things about it.
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