Chapter One: AvalancheThe wind blew hard against the cabin window. Outside, a storm had picked up and dumped ten inches of snow on the mountain resort causing all activities to be canceled. Amana lay curled up in her bed. She listened as her roommates giggled and whispered to each other. One of the girls, Meg, smuggled in a playgirl magazine. Meg gave her free use of her iphone to keep quiet. Amana rolled her eyes and returned to her myspace page.
“Update” she typed, “I’m still stuck on Prison Mountain, aka, winter camp.” More giggles. “But thanks to this storm, I may get to come home early!”
Just as she typed her last sentence, the cabin shook violently, as if a car slammed into their cabin. Meg and the girls screamed; Amana jumped out of her bed, dropping Meg’s phone.
“Allah!” she screamed, “what was that?”
The girls huddled together watching the ceiling light swing back and forth. Amana’s phone rang making the girls jump again. She rushed over and answered it.
“Amana,” her brother shouted into the phone, “get out of there. We are leaving.”
“What?” she said, “what is going on?” she asked.