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This blog is my diary of works in progress. The only way a writer can improve upon her skill is to practice, practice and practice some more. Here, in this place of quiet peace, I pen to paper my thoughts and creativity. Welcome to my world.

Copyright © 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 SN Taylor, All Rights Reserved

Friday, September 3, 2010

The Mat'hool Prophecy

The Mat'hool Prophecy

From the Novel: The Sahabeeyeen

Year Date: 10,000 years ago

Place: Original Changeling Home Planet, Mat’hool

A windstorm raged outside the Sanctuary of the red caves. Red sand clouds swept across the vast desert planet, then slammed against the mountain range. The storm howled savagely, but deep inside the dark red chambers of the sanctuary, a low hum vibrated. The chambers were the result of ancient water streams that once flowed through the mountain as it rose from the ancient seabed. Neither light of day or night penetrated the caves deep in the belly of the mountain, but a luminous glow filtered from a cave, the Cave of Remembrance. The red walls glowed as a central pool of a glowing white liquid rested at the lowest part of the cave. The humming continued, sending ripples through the pool. For a brief moment, the pool trembled, and then it stood still. The liquid slowly rose from the red cave floor and took the form of lonely figure cloaked in a white luminous coat. The figure removed the hood covering his head; he was an elderly Mat’hool, a race of shape shifters. Haddi lifted his head to the ceiling of the cave, and then bowed deeply. “I hear and obey, my Lord,” he said. Haddi ascended the long winding path through the Sanctuary of the red caves.

A desolate and secluded place, Mat’hool monks often sought spiritual enlightenment in the protected caves. He exited the cave. With only the light of the full moon, he made his way home to his people. He walked for days, under the blazing sun and the glowing moon. He finally reached a sand dune that reached over 100 feet. He climbed the dune, when he reached the top; he looked down on a massive lake. A lake that was surrounded by only sand and rock. The lake was not made of water but the same liquid substance of Haddi. He had made it home to his people. He descended the hill. He placed his feet into the pool. Small waves rippled across the surface of the lake.

“I have returned from the Cave of Remembrance. After forty days and forty nights, my Lord has given me a vision, a vision that will test the endurance and belief of our people. He has showed me a race of beings that will come to us in need of help and protection. My Lord has commanded us to guard them even if it means our death and destruction.”

“How will we know them?” his people asked.

“They will come to us being pursued by enemies. They will call themselves Muslims. These Muslims will be the living descendants of an ancient messenger’s closest companions from the planet Earth,“ he answered. “We will help them reclaim their freedom from their enemy and their ancient city, Makah, of planet Earth.”

“We hear and obey,” his people answered in a slow but steady ripple across the massive lake. As the ripple traveled across the lake, Haddi felt a disturbance. He raised his eyes in concern, but as quickly as the disturbance appeared, it vanished beneath the waves of echoes.

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Member of the Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators