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Sunday, April 1, 2012

A-Z Challenge: A is for Ashanti to Zulu

April is here and so begins the blogging from A to Z Challenge! I will be blogging and sharing with you all wonderful books that have multicultural themes and fla-va! Enjoy and Happy Reading!

A is for African Traditions in Ashanti to Zulu.

Author: Margaret Musgrove

Publisher: Puffin Books, July 15th, 1992

Ages: 3 and up

Info about the book:

Artists Leo and Diane Dillon won their second consecutive Caldecott Medal for this stunning ABC of African culture. 

This Caldecott Medal-winning book gives fascinating facts about African tribes and customs. The different tribes are listed in alphabetical order, and the illustrations are rich and beautiful.

Why I like this book: 

This book brings back wonderful memories of my childhood. It was a family favorite to check out at the library. :)


  1. Your theme for the challenge is really neat! And I love the vibrant cover on this one. Looking forward to learning about more books!

    1. Thanks Nicole. I've got quite of few unique ones I think everyone will enjoy! Loved your first post as well. I love that book!!!

  2. This book looks great! Thank you for sharing it, Saba.

    Looking forward to your month of entries in the A-Z Challenge!

    1. Thanks Beth. I can't wait to share the rest with you :)

  3. Your link is apparently on the list since you've gotten two visitors for the A to Z so far.
    Have fun with the Challenge.

    A Few Words
    An A to Z Co-host blog

  4. Hi Saba, lovely cover. Just visiting to find out what you are doing for the challenge and to say hi!

    1. Thanks for stopping by C M. I will be glued to your blog as your story unfolds!!! :D

  5. Great idea to do multicultural books for this challenge!

  6. Looks like a beautiful book, and my son will study Africa in school soon. Perfect timing!
