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Monday, April 2, 2012

A-Z Challenge: B is for Big Red Lollipop

B is for being a big sister and birthday parties!


Author: Rukhsana Khan

Illustrator: Sophie Blackall

Publisher: Viking Children's Books, March 4, 2010

Topics/Themes: Greed, Temptation, Sibling Rivalry, Cultural differences in celebrations, Adapting to new cultures, Forgiveness
Ages: 4 and up


Rubina has been invited to her first birthday party, and her mother, Ami, insists that she bring her little sister along. Rubina is mortified, but she can't convince Ami that you just don't bring your younger sister to your friend's party. So both girls go, and not only does Sana demand to win every game, but after the party she steals Rubina's prized party favor, a red lollipop. What's a fed-up big sister to do?


You can find a wonderful teacher's guide for K-3 grade with many activities and discussion topics here.

Why I like the Book:

I like this book because it deals with what most older siblings have to go through. I know I certainly had to tug my little sisters around. But this story is more than about siblings not getting along and making a disaster out of birthday parties, it also shows how children adjust, adapt and learn to love and help each other. It also has very subtle but illustrated hints of how many immigrant families adjust and assimilate into a new culture.


  1. This is a wonderful book. I had the sheer joy of hearing Rukhsana Khan tell us the life-story behind the book, at SCBWI LA '!!. Thank you for sharing -- good choice for "B"!
