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Friday, September 6, 2013

Cover Reveal: A to Z Poetry by Fida Islaih

Book Description: 
From A to Z is 100 poems about being Muslim, handling emotions and the beauty of nature. There is a bit of sadness and humor in the collection. From doodling to any kind of sport to colors. In a way the poems may help you improve yourself and your outlook on life.

Buy on Smashwords: link will be available later on. 

The book will be published September 19, 2013. 

About the author:
Fida Islaij is a multicultural Muslim who enjoys reading, writing and eating chocolate. 

Find out more about Fida and her debut release on her blog.

Fida Islaih
Blogger, Poet, Author
A TO Z POETRY (Sept, 2013)

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