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Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Shadow on the Wall Tour and Giveaway

GIVEAWAY: e-Book of Two Moons of Sera by Pavarti K. Tyler

Shadow on the Wall Book Summary

Recai Osman: Muslim, philosopher, billionaire and Superhero?

Controversial and daring, Shadow on the Wall details the transformation of Recai Osman from complicated man to Superhero. Forced to witness the cruelty of the Morality Police in his home city of Elih, Turkey, Recai is called upon by the power of the desert to be the vehicle of change. Does he have the strength to answer Allah's call or will his dark past and self doubt stand in his way?

Pulling on his faith in Allah, the friendship of a Jewish father-figure and a deeply held belief that his people deserve better, Recai Osman must become The SandStorm.

Shadow on the Wall tackles issues of religion, gender, corruption and the basic human condition. Beautiful and challenging, this is not a book to miss.

 Pavarti K. Tyler's Web Site:
Shadow on the Wall blog tour site:
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My Review:

This is a well written, emotionally charged story that is really hard to put down. right from the beginning I was pulled into the story and main character, Recai.

Recai in this story reminds me of a Muslim born and raised in the West. With most kids, they start off in a very religious and sheltered lifestyle but once they move out go to college, they begin to experience life in a way they were not raised to and begin to take on a more western, non-religious lifestyle. Most by the end of college usually return to practicing the religion more faithfully. Sometimes it takes an incident that reawakens the religous beliefs they grew up with.

Recai reminded me of that young Muslim. He grew up in a Muslim family but later as he grew up kind of did his own thing, experience life for himself, drinking, dating and what not. While he never really left the religion, he did not always practice all of the tenents like praying and fasting. However, it took a devasting incident that took the life of someone dear to him and nearly taking his, that sent him on a search. Whether he was searching for answers, faith, or a way out of his misery, Recai found something in the desert where he was left to die. Upon returning to his city, angry and wanting revenge, he inavertantly saves the life and honor of a young woman during a sandstorm. He also finds his father's company crumbling with corruption and his city falling into oblivion as men of "faith" and "morality" rule his city with abuse and unspeakable crimes against the poor and the women. Rape is rampant, not because men seek sexual pleasure from the women but instead it is used to punish and destroy "mens" reputation. The effects are devastating, especially to the women who receive the brute force of the punishments. They are either killed, abandoned or commit suicide. Corruption is rampant. Drugs have creeped their way into the city. Recai is on a mission of his own when he returns to find the person responsible for Rebekah's death, the Jewish woman who cared for him along with her father, and the destruction of his father's company. But an even greater mission is thrusted up him when he saves Sabiha, who was marked for rape because her brother, a soilder in the RTK, accousted the niece of the town's mayor. Recai is dubbed, the SandStorm, because of this act. In an alley he tackles Sabiha's brother and conviences him that the RTK are not working in the way of Allah, that they are really nothing more than thugs and terrorists. Sabiha's brother is then moved to take a stand by alerting Maryam and Recai when something major is about to go down. Maryam gives Recai a veil to keep his identity concealed. Thus, Recai becomes The SandStorm.

Recai is a real character to me. He does not consider himself a hero nor does he really want to be but he is forced to stand where eithers have chosen to join the forces of evil. Recai is a man flawed spiritually but is also a man who on a spiritual quest of his own to reawaken his own faith in Allah. He fights with his own weakness and struggles to be the good person that he wants to be but has a hard time pulling off. His struggle with his nafs (self) is the same that everyone has to deal with.

This story is very well written, without bias although it was easy to see it was not written by a Muslim. But I give props to the author for writing such a riviting story. I really liked the characters Hasad, Rebekah's father, and Maryam, a nurse who does her part in helping Recai, Hasad and the women who abused under the oppressive laws of the RTK. * The only thing I did not like for was some of the language used in the story. I personally do not swear, curse or use fowl language and do not like to read it either.  

Paperback Price: $11.95
Pages: 248
ISBN: 9780983876908
Publisher: Fighting Monkey Press
Release: May 1, 2012

Amazon buy link


  1. This sounds like an interesting read. I wonder though how pervasive through out the manuscript the foul language is. I can handle a bit, but too much and it ruins the story for me.

    1. Heather, I don't think the language is too pervasive but there are graphic depictions of violence against women. It's authentic and necessary for the story, but it is there. If that's not your thing you may want to check out one of my other books. I only mention it because if the language could be an issue that may as well. Thanks for your interest though, I'd love to know what you think should you decide to give it a read.

  2. Thank you so much for hosting Shadow on the Wall on your blog today! I appreciate your honest review :) For me, the language flowed from the same font as the violence, characters choose their words the way real people do, based on all the things that make them into the people they are. I understand the aversion though and am glad you were able to enjoy the meat of the story. Have a wonderful day.
