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Monday, December 31, 2012

Book Review: Legend by Marie Lu

Author: Marie Lu
Published: Nov 2011
Publisher: Putnam 
4 ****

This was a good and easy to read story. I read it in one night.  

I liked Day's personality and character although I was a bit disappointed in the way some of his story/situation turned out. I thought that for a guy who was good at staying under the radar, he got captured way too easily. 

June was my favorite character. Her growth and awareness about the true nature of her 'government' felt realistic to me. Her transition from hate to like/understanding was actually endearing. The author did a really good job showing June's growth and learning. 

The world building was neat and clean. Sometimes I feel like many authors don't spend much time on creating a believable world or else they spend too much time, boring me silly with mundane details. 

My favorite thing about the book in general, little to no romance, ie, sex. There was one scene where Day and June kiss but that was it. So it is one that I would actually recommend. There is however quite a bit of violence so maybe only recommend it to a mature teen.


  1. I've been wondering about this book. Since it doesn't seem to have a lot of romantic content I believe I will recommend it to my daughter, she's not much into romance in books.

  2. Thank's for reviewing. I am always looking for clean reads.

  3. This is on my TBR list, so it was nice to see your review of it!

  4. I've heard a lot about this book. It really has gotten really good reviews. When you were talking about Day being caught a lot but he was this guy that stayed under the radar, does the author not realize or do they forget how the character is supposed to be? I've seen that a few times in other books but just different things. It confuses me and then I have to go back through the book to make sure I'm not going crazy! I really enjoyed reading your review and I am looking forward to reading this one and its been on my TBR list. Thanks for a great review!!

  5. I really enjoyed reading your review. The review was great! I've been wanting to read this one. Its been in my TBR list for a little while. I have been reading some reviews on this one and all the reviews on this have been above 3 stars. This one is definitely on my TBR list. I'm actually looking forward to reading it. Thank you for a great review!!

  6. This book has been on my list for a long time. Thanks for the review...I think the sequel is out for it now, right? I need to get this many books, so little time, right? If I could only get paid for reading...

    jmluker at vhtmail dot net

  7. I hadn't heard of this book before now, but it is on my TBR list now.
    Thanks for the review!!
    Ashley A

  8. I have been interested in reading this book. I thank you for your review.

  9. Added to my TBR list! Sounds really good!

  10. Added to my TBR list! Thanks for the review!

  11. I've been looking at this book since it came out. Sounds like a good read so I'll definately have to check it out.

  12. Thank's for reviewing. I will add this on my list.

  13. Great review, sounds like a good read.


  14. Thank you for your review; this is a book I thought my teen would like but I was worried about sex. Sounds like I need to add this to her book list!

  15. Thanks for the review! I keep wanting to pick this one up and never do. I love dystopians but thinking I might miss the romance in this one. Hopefully it is as good as the hype that surrounds it!

  16. This has been on my TBR for a while now. I think it's time to dive in. Thanks for the review.

  17. I absolutely adore this book and think you hit all of the main points. It was fast-paced with good world building and characters I fell in love with.

  18. I absolutely loved this book! I think it's a great start to a series and can't wait for Prodigy :)
    Thanks for the review!

  19. I'm ashamed to admit that I've had a copy of this for well over a year and I still haven't gotten around to reading it. It's so hard to keep up with books! I'm definitely going to add it to the top of my pile now though because your review reminded me about it :)

  20. I prefer a little romance in my books, but this still sounds cute. I will have to check out the sample. Thanks for the review!

  21. I loved this book! I loved the alternating view points. I think the only thing that could have gotten him captured was defending his family. They were the reason he was a risk, anyways! I can't wait for Prodigy!

  22. I loved this book! I thought the characters were great and agree with you about June's transformation. I am so excited for Prodigy to come out!
