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Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Book Buzz: What Does a Muslim Look Like?

What does a Muslim look like? Do you know? If you walked down your street or through the mall, could you tell if you saw a Muslim? Chances are, you probably wouldn't know if you saw a Muslim.

That is because Muslims come from many different countries and speak many different languages. Muslims wear a variety of ethnic and cultural fashions as well as Western fashions. They enjoy all kinds of sports, participate in a wide range of hobbies and work in every kind of occupational industries from scientists, doctors, professors, chefs, teachers, artists, naturalist, business owners and more!

So what exactly does a Muslim look like? Join Jack and Jane as they find out!

When Jack and Jane make new friends at school, they are surprised to learn that they are Muslim. Their curiosity leads them to discover that Muslims come in all colors and hail from various backgrounds from around the world. Beautifully illustrated by Abdullah Badawy and written with fun rhymes, this book is for children of all ages who want to learn about diversity.

Check out the site for more information about the book.
Also, you may find the book at Amazon and Barnes and Nobles.