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Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Phyllis in Seattle!

I had the wonderful opportunity to host a lovable, cute and world renowned groundhog name Phyllis Punxsutawney (hehehe, say that three times really fast!) Phyllis stopped by on her world tour to visit my toddler classroom. 

 Phyllis arrived on the 19th in the evening. I picked her up after I got off of work. She was tired and it was raining so we went straight home where she was greeted by a very frequent house guest, A-Wall, my niece's cat.
 I think he had a real crush on her because............
 ...... he would not leave her side! Phyllis was nice enough to chat and chill out with A-Wall before going to bed. 
 The next morning, more rain! Sorry Phyllis but Welcome to Seattle! But she was enthusiastic and even excited about visiting my job and meeting a bunch of lively one year olds. :)
 Phyllis met with the local animals. They talked about Seattle weather and Phyllis's travels. They were a little jealous but enjoyed her company and stories from around the world.
Circle time with Phyllis! This is my co-teacher Jessie who did the honors of reading with Phyllis to the kids who, surprised us all, sat through most of the story :D They loved looking at the pictures and touching the pages. :D
After circle Phyllis joined in the classroom ruckus of a young toddler classroom. She visited the sensory table, played with blocks, played hide 'n' seek and went on a color parade through our center with the little ones.  
 Phyllis was rather pooped from all the fun with the little ones, after lunch (she is really great with kids :D) she was able to take a nap while the little ones slept.
 Phyllis was happy to spot the Space Needle even though we did not have time to go. But I promised the next time she visits, we will take her.
 I thought the day at the childcare center would have wiped her out but Phyllis had other plans!
 Phyllis and my oldest brother Na'eem :)
 A-Wall was so happy to see Phyllis again. Love at first and second sight! :D
 Phyllis got to meet my niece and A-Wall's brother, Cali-Fat. Cali-Fat was very intrigued as was my niece. She really did not want me to send Phyllis off on the next stop of her world tour. 


  1. Lucky Phyllis! What a wonderful time she had with you! She loves kids, and classrooms, so I bet she had tons of fun. And clearly she and A-Wall hit it off in a big way. I sense Pen Pal letters in the future :) Thank you so much for hosting Phyllis and showing her such a great time, Saba!

    1. You are very welcome! It was a joy having her visit:)
      They really did! A-Wall is such a lover ;)
      Jessie loved the book as well, just wanted to let you know that. she also loved the illustrations.

  2. Looks like Phyllis had a great time in Seattle! Wow, a whole class of one year olds? I bet that was ablast!

  3. What a lovely visit to Seattle. Love the cat's reaction. And, it was fun you took her to school. Bet the one-year-olds loved her -- hope they didn't try to chew her.:) Glad you had fun. She's going to be a celebrity when she returns to Susanna.

    1. no, we were careful not to let them have too much fun :D When things got a little too exciting, we practiced gentle touches on Phyllis :)

  4. This was great! I so love that you had the little ones practice gentle touches on Phyllis! And A-Wall is amazing!

  5. Oh! I'm in love with A-Wall. No wonder Phyllis had such a great time. What a beautiful cat!
