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Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Autism Awareness Giveaway Hop April 11th - 17th

April is Autism Awareness Month.  To help spread the word about Autism we are hosting a giveaway hop.

What is Autism? Here are ten facts about autism.

KidsHealth is a wonderful site that explains Autism to children using simple language and facts. Autism Speaks is another site with great resources for people with autism including apps. Check out Oliver's Guide to Autism, a very cute and informative way to learn about autism from a young boy name Oliver who has autism.

Book Giveaway!

Title: Since We're Friends: An Autism Picture Book 
Author: Celeste Shally 
Illustrator: David Harrington
Publisher: Awaken Specialty Press, September 1, 2007
Topic/Theme: Autism, Friendship, Acceptance, Special Needs
Ages: 3-8
Opening: It's finally summer vacation! It's going to be perfect because I'm going to hang out with my friend Matt who lives across the street.

Summary: Since We're Friends is about two boys. One has autism, the other does not. The story of their relationship provides practical examples of how to make such a friendship work. It will help children see that their peers with autism can make a fun, genuine contribution to friendship. 

See links above.

Why I like this book:
I love this book! I have a sibling with autism. Naeem, my oldest brother, was diagnosed with autism when he was three years of age. I love this book because it helps children and siblings with understanding and learning how to help their friends with autism. It is important however to know that not all children and adults with autism are the same. In the case of my brother Na'eem, he is different from Matt in this story in that he can not and does not like to engage in group activities, he does not engage in conversation with others not even me or my family. He is sometimes able to relay in very simple vocabulary what he needs or wants. This story is very particular to the relationship with Matt and his friend. But the book does give a general idea in how to help and engage a friend with autism. 

Remember, this is a blog hop. So hop along to the various blogs for more books and giveaways! 


  1. i love the awareness this blog hop is giving to autism. I am a teacher of preschoolers with autism and i would love to win this book!

    catherine0807 at hotmail dot com

  2. I love this too. Thank you. Being touched by this now.

  3. Thanks for the giveaway!

  4. I would love this class for my son's classmates to read. What a great story to spread awareness among his peers!

  5. can you enter me too
    jzkiallah khayr for the post & info, my 2nd boy has developmental delays no specific diagnosis at the moment, the apps list is useful we are gonna see whether it helps him getting an ipad and some apps to help work on his communication, i will check out the other links too

  6. Sounds like a cute book

    s2s2 at comcast dot net

  7. this would be great for my classroom

    sonflower77 at gmail dot com

  8. This sounds like a great book, my son has autism. I wasn't sure how to enter the giveaway, I didn't see an entry form, do we just leave a comment? Thanks!

    kpuleski at gmail dot com

  9. Thank you for participating in this very informative giveaway hop. My oldest grandson has Aspergers so this is something that is near and dear to my heart. I would love to have this book to donate to the school library, they could use some books on Autism.

    GFC as seriousreader

    seriousreader at live dot com

  10. This sounds like a interesting book!

    I would love to win a copy ~ thanks so much for the giveaway.
    I didnt see a form to fill out. =)

    readinginks ( at ) gmail ( dot ) com

  11. SINCE WE'RE FRIENDS looks wonderful. I would love to read this with my children.


  12. My grandson has Aspergers and his brother would definitely benefit from this book.

  13. Hi Saba -

    Since We're Friends sounds like a great book about autism.

    As they say, if you've met one person with autism, you know one kind of autism. Our kids are truly a spectrum of strengths and challenges.

    Thank you for promoting autism awareness!

    cathy54321 (at) hotmail (dot) com

  14. As a mom to a child with Autism, I would love to win this book for my son's cousins/friends/etc!!

  15. Thank you for the great giveaway! I am a pediatric SLP who specializes in autism. Children who have been diagnosed with autism (and their families) are very important to me! This would be a great book to read to my own daughter as well as sharing around the school to share with children in classrooms to help them understand!
    Amy Craft

  16. Looks like a perfect book for my nephew!
    Diane at aol dot com
