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Sunday, January 31, 2010

Submission Call: Muslim American Girl magazine

As Salaamu Alaikum Here is a wonderful writing opportunity for young muslim girls everywhere!! Muslim American Girl magazine is seeking submissions for a unique online magazine for muslim girls growing up in America. It was created by a 14 year old muslimah, Shabnam M, to help young muslimahs feel like they are not alone, that there are other young muslimahs out there going through some of the same obstacles that young muslims go through growing up in America. MAGazine will give young muslimahs an arena to showcase their creativity and share their experiences and grow to be upstanding muslim women leaders in the future. Website submission categories: submission guidelines: Send submissions to: I highly encourage mothers, especially those who home-school, to encourage their daughters to submit to this unique magazine. There are a wide variety of topics needed, crafts, photography/art, recipes, school, faith, health, book reviews, letter to the editor, and so much more!! Check out the website with your daughters! It is a worthwhile adventure!!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Personal Tips from a Novice Amateur

Personal Tips from a Novice Amateur

Writing is fun when your imagination is on a roll and your pen (or keyboard) is writing away. But every once in a while, a writer slams into a wall of blanks. That wall is called writer's block, a massive blockade that subdues creativity, drains imagination and tires the pen (or keyboard.) But every block is meant to be overcome. Every writer, amateur or professional, has his or her own way of creatively getting pass writer's block. Here are a few of my techniques of over coming the creative blockade.

* Find your writing zone. I like to find a comfortable place to be in before I write.

Everyday is different. Sometimes, I like to write in my room curled up on my bed

where it is quiet. Other times, I like to be in an open area where I can find

inspiration all around me.

* Try to write everyday, even if it is in a journal. Writing everyday allows you to

keep your creativity at its maximum. I write about everything, that happens at

work, things I see in my day, or sometime I even describe a pretty flower or cute


* Write about things you like or are familiar with. Writing about something you

don't like or have no knowledge about can be a chore and sometimes

unpleasant. I try to write about things I like, usually stories, poems or activities

geared towards children as I am a teacher of young children. But if you have to,

give yourself adequate time to learn as much as you can about the subject you

are writing about before you start writing.

* Read other writings for inspiration and motivation. Sometimes, I find it beneficial

and helpful to read other writings. Reading is very important to the writer. You

can't be a good writer if you are not a good reader. Read writing that is both

similar to your genre and writing that is different. I like to write children's fiction,

but I love to read fiction for adults and non-fiction. The satisfaction of reading a

good book, story, poem or article also reminds the writer why they should keep


* Use writing prompts when you hit writer's block. Writer's Block is bound to

happen, so don't let it get you down. If you happen to find that you don't know

what to write about or that you just don't have anything to write about, use

writing prompts to give you a jump start. Prompts can also be a lot of fun and be

wonderful starts to other writing projects.

* Give yourself writing incentives. Writing incentives are great and fun! I love to

buy new writing pads and pencils or pens. I have also taken writing classes to

motivate me to write more and even started blogs and a website to share my

work. It is important, however, to make sure your incentives are important to you

or else you wont be motivated by them.

* Surround yourself with positive reinforcement and encouragement. Nothing is

more important that being around like minded people who support and

encourage you. Join writing groups and clubs. It is a wonderful way to meet

other writers and share writing tips and advice from both amateurs and

professionals. I belong to a few writing groups that have proven very beneficial.

Everyone gives constructive criticism and encouragement to help me

increase my writing skills.

* If all else fails, take a break from writing. There are times when no matter what,

your brain just does not want to cooperate with your creativity and imagination.

When that happens, don't force it; take a break. Relax your mind; enjoy other

activities or, one of my favorites, simply take a nap. God has given your body

rights over you, that includes your brain, where your creative processing occurs.

Happy Writing!